Step 2 of 11 in the home buying process. Get a mortgage preapproval

September 12, 2022


Step 2 of 11 in the home buying process. Get a mortgage preapproval

Hey, good morning!

It’s Walter Monteiro here from Remax center and I’m here to share with you step #2, the home buying process.
So step #2 is getting your mortgage pre-approval, probably one of the most important things. If I can say, you know. I have this conversation with people all the time when we’re talking about getting started and looking for a house and I always ask them, you know “Hey, have you spoken to a mortgage professional or your bank?” And you know, I can’t believe how many times people say, no, I have it, but everything. I’m sure everything will be okay.
You don’t know that nobody knows that anymore. We’re such a weird environment right now. You’ve got to get your mortgage pre-approved, get your verification to down payment, done, get your credit run.
You know, the whole job history thing, you know, the way people work now is so eclectic.
You got to make sure that you got that duck in a row before you go out and start shopping for a house because you, you honestly, you don’t know what you qualify for.
So get that done, get a preapproval. There’s a link in our bio. If you want to get that done right now, you can link on to Karen’s site  or go to your mortgage professional.
But that is the most important step in starting to buy a house is getting a mortgage preapproval, get it done beforehand.