A deal was in jeopardy and we saved the day

September 13, 2022








Hey guys, I’m Walter Monteiro here, Remax real estate center, Cambridge kitchen and Waterloo. Just wanted to tell you about an incident that we had just a few weeks ago that I thought I’d share with you.

We had a listing that was sold. It was sold firm and we started getting some requests from the buyer to extend the closing because the  buyer was in a situation where the property that they had to sell wasn’t sold at any rate, We extend it.

Then it got down to the 11th hour where all of a sudden they were basically telling us they weren’t able to close. So, we asked for permission to reach out to the buyer directly because we are also mortgage agents. And we triaged the situation and we were actually able to save the deal.

At the initial onset, we thought we were going to come in and do private money and get the deal to close which we were well prepared to do, but because Karen is such an awesome mortgage agent.

She was actually able to find another financial institution that was able to finance these people.

So at the end of the day, would this deal have closed without us? No, it wouldn’t have it. Would’ve blown up. Everybody would’ve been very unhappy.

The buyer would’ve likely been sued and you know, nobody would’ve been happy in that situation, but because they listed their property with us and because we wear two hats and wear a great team and we got lots of experience.

If I sound like I’m bragging, I am because I’m applying for a job of selling your home, hire us because we can make the situation far less stressful for you. Would we have been able to save the deal?  You know, without certain circumstances, of course not, but we were able to triage that situation, find out what the other lender wasn’t able to find out and we saved the deal.

So if you’re looking for a great listing agent and a great buyer’s agent, give us a call.  We’d love to help you 5192400360 or link in the bio and let us help you make your dreams come true.